How to be a good citizen in Pakistan: Responsibilities as a Pakistani citizen:duties of a citizen or as a Pakistani Citizen: characteristics of a Good citizen


A person who is aware of his duties and rights in his society is a good Citizen.We all are human beings and we all are living in a society where we all have our duties when we follow our duty in a good way then we call a good and responsible citizen in our society. Society is a place where people live and spends their life.Today we are living in a society where many challenges for us. As a good citizen we have some responsibilities to perform in our society. A good citizen always live in a good environment where every thing is neat and clean he also live in a environment where his surrounding is educated and trustful. A good citizen always try to get rid from bad habits and he wants to live in a good environment. He makes his environment beautiful through his good deeds.

As a Pakistani citizen we have some responsibilities in our country. First of all as a Pakistani Citizen we should be loyal and trustful to our country.We need to clean our environment where we are living and also we have the responsibility to educate our society this is the big and most important duty.As a Pakistani citizen we should respect our culture, values and traditions and our duty is to protect our city. Always as a good citizen we must be ready to sacrifice our every thing for the sake of our country and we should abide to follow the rule and regulation of our country.

Responsibilities As a Pakistani Citizen.

  • The first responsibility of a Pakistani citizen is he or she should be loyal and trustful to his or her country. 
  • They should have to abide the rules and regulations of the country.
  • Always take part in good works.
  • Be respectful. 
  • Tolerate everything do not argue.
  • Work for Human worth and Dignity.  
  • Follow discipline and give respect to others.
  • Courage and be responsible.
  • Educate the Environment. 
  • Keep surrounding clean. 
  • Help needy people. 
  • Thought always about the development of the country.
  • Respect the Elders.   
  • Pray for your country.                                                                                                                          


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